This post assumes you’ve read my “Income reports of 10 Internet Entrepreneurs” post.
When I first read these income reports questions popped into my head, questions you may have as well:
How is this even possible?
Through the opportunity of the internet – mass distribution of digital products and services to a global marketplace.
Why would they even publish how much they make?
The short answer is usually for transparency. We don’t bat an eye when the average salary of professions is posted so why should this be any different? Well the real difference is that in a traditional job as an employee, the company and industry dictates and sets how much you get paid. Someone else is telling you what you are worth and the upper limit to how much you can make. Even with raises, promotions, bonuses etc as an employee there is still an upper limit set by your company and industry.
As an entrepreneur there is no ceiling, conversely though there is no floor either so watch out. What these reports online are really showing is that there is no set point or starting salary for the online business industry. It is whatever you make of it; you have to put in the work. You can be making $5/month, $500/month or $5,000/month. It is all up to you. The reports in the previous post show the range from about $400/month all the way up to $150,000/month.
Are people really making that much money online?
Yes, yes they are. Most are not making insane amounts of money but there are people generating a substantial income from selling digital products and services online.
Then I thought:
I don’t trust it; maybe all these income reports are lies. I mean no one is verifying them, they must be fake. Then I thought, but why would someone and so many people, waste precious time creating fake information like that?
Also I felt a mix of inspiration and envy. Why were they able to do that and not me? A battle was taking place in my mind and might be in yours right now too. Doubt and envy on one side, hope and inspiration on the other. What if this is possible? I’m looking at the proof from various people so I know this is true and it is possible. Then the question becomes, can it be possible for me? Can I achieve these same results or even 10% of that (I used to look at Pay Flynn’s numbers and say that; if I could only make 10% of that or even 1% it would be amazing)
I have good news; you can achieve those types of incomes in the reports. Knowing that others have done it makes it possible for you as well. Below is a video which shows how powerful of a motivation it can be to see someone else accomplish a goal you are striving for as well. It is the story of how Roger Bannister broke the four minute mile, which had been considered physically impossible by the human body. Since that time in 1954, at least 20,000 other people accomplished the same feat because they knew it was possible for them also.